CARES Act Reporting


CARES Act Reporting Requirements

  1. An acknowledgment that the institution signed and returned to the Department the Certification 和协议,并保证该机构已使用或打算使用 no less than 50 percent of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES 为学生提供紧急经济援助补助金的法案.
  2. The total amount of funds that the institution will receive or has received from the Department pursuant to the institution's Certification and Agreement [for] Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students.
  3. The total amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants distributed to students under Section 截至提交之日,《bc365游戏》第18004(a)(1)条的规定.e., as of the 30-day Report and every 45 days thereafter).
  4. 该机构有资格参加的学生估计总数 根据1965年《365asia亚洲官网》第四章第484节的规定 因此有资格获得紧急经济援助助学金 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act.
  5. The total number of students who have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant to 《bc365游戏》第18004(a)(1)条规定的学生.
  6. The method(s) used by the institution to determine which students receive Emergency 财政援助补助金以及他们将获得多少根据第18004(a)(1)条 the CARES Act.
  7. 学校向学生提供的任何指示、指示或指导 关于紧急财政援助赠款.


  1. The University of Arkansas at Monticello (bc365游戏) has signed and returned the Department of Education’s Certification and Agreement, and intends to use no less than 50% of 根据《bc365游戏》第18004(a)(1)条收到的用于提供紧急援助的资金 Financial Aid Grants to students.
  2. The total amount of funds that bc365游戏 has received from the Department pursuant to the 机构紧急财政援助赠款的证书和协议 Students is $1,611,657.
  3. As of May 31, 2020, the total amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants distributed to 《bc365游戏》第18004(a)(1)条规定的学生 as of the date of submission (i.e.(截至30天报告,此后每45天)为1 320 550美元.
  4. As of May 14, the estimated total number of bc365游戏 students eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 of Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and thus eligible to receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act is 1,734.
  5. The total number of students who have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant to 根据《bc365游戏》第18004(a)(1)条规定的学生人数为1,734人.
  6. bc365游戏用于确定哪些学生获得紧急资助的方法 援助补助金,以及根据CARES第18004(a)(1)条,他们将获得多少 Act is as follows: The University of Arkansas at Monticello has decided to heavily rely on data from the 2019-2020 FAFSA to distribute the first round of emergency aid to students. 虽然FAFSA可能不能表明学生目前的财务状况 情况下,包含在应用程序上的信息深度提供最多 准确反映了bc365游戏最需要帮助的人群. 在局长的鼓励下, we have decided to use the Federal Pell Grant as justification towards our approach for a number of reasons:

    A. 只有本科生才有资格获得联邦佩尔助学金. bc365游戏’s 研究生课程主要在网上提供,研究生有资格 申请更高数额的联邦财政援助,因此我们选择排除 this population in CARES awarding.

    B. bc365游戏的CARES分配基于IPEDS 2018年秋季的入学数据 (国家教育统计中心,2020年). Since Pell funds are available to undergraduate students only, Pell data on IPEDS is based solely on undergraduate students.

    C. 佩尔助学金是根据EFC和入学水平进行分级管理的. Mirroring 这在CARES的奖励确保一致性和公平性,我们最需要的学生.

    To accommodate for bc365游戏’s recognition that FAFSA data may not be exactly indicative of a student’s current financial situation, we have decided to add a tier on to our CARES award schedule for undergraduate students that have an EFC too high to receive 佩尔基金,以及没有完成FAFSA的本科生. Adding 这一层将允许我们分配资金给所有的学生已经 affected, without requiring an application that would delay the distribution of funds, 因为我们的目标是尽快帮助更多受影响的学生.

    bc365游戏 will also be reserving 20% of our CARES Financial Aid allocation to help our affected 参加暑期课程的学生.

  7. Instructions, directions, or guidance provided by bc365游戏 to students concerning the Emergency 助学金包括以下内容:

    The Federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was implemented to assist students in covering expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus. 位于蒙蒂塞洛的阿肯色大学已经提交了一份申请 for this funding, and additional information regarding the distribution of these funds 奖学金将在未来几周内由财政援助办公室发给学生. Please continue to check WeevilNet, and to monitor your bc365游戏 student email account regularly 浏览有关援助金的最新消息. 我们理解这些挑战和关切 that our students are facing during these unprecedented times, and we thank you for your patience. Your success is our goal.

    5/12/20: The Financial Aid Office Website was revised to include the information below:
    The Federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was implemented to assist students in covering expenses related to the disruption of campus operations 以及由于冠状病毒导致的教学交付. bc365游戏 request to receive aid has been granted, and we will begin distributing these funds 通过WeevilNet向我们的学生提供经济援助 in the coming weeks.

    All undergraduate bc365游戏 students who were enrolled in Spring 2020 face-to-face courses or a combination of face-to-face and online courses prior to March 12, 2020 (the day bc365游戏将所有面对面课程转换为在线课程)符合资格. The CARES Act does not allow funds to be distributed to students enrolled in all on-line courses prior to March 12. 研究生将不会获得CARES Grant奖励.
    Note: Students whose courses were originally face-to-face, but were converted to on-line 因COVID-19而导致的教学将获得经济援助关怀补助金.

    How much will eligible students receive?
    bc365游戏 prioritized students using a combination of information from FAFSA and the number of credits that students were enrolled in prior to March 12, when face-to-face courses were converted to on-line instruction.

    • The financial aid CARES Grant awards will be distributed by the bc365游戏 Financial Aid 并通过WeevilNet发布到学生的账户上.
    • CARES Grant awards will be processed by direct deposit or mailed to the student’s 根据您默认的收款方式,在WeevilNet中的地址.
    •资金将直接支付给学生,无论是否有欠款 the University.

    我们强烈建议学生注册直接存款,以便尽快收到资金 as possible. 有关直接存款的资料,请浏览网页 Direct Deposit through Nelnet. 您也可以与澳大财务处联系,电话, or by phone at 870.460.104.

    5/12/20: The information added to the Financial Aid Office website (above) was emailed to the bc365游戏 student body as a whole with the Subject “CARES Act Financial Aid Grant.”

    5/20/20:以下信息通过电子邮件发送给bc365游戏全体学生 with the
    What is the CARES Act?
    The Federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was implemented to assist students in covering expenses related to the disruption of campus operations 以及由于冠状病毒导致的教学交付. bc365游戏 request to receive aid has been granted, and we will begin distributing these funds 通过WeevilNet向我们的学生提供经济援助.

    All undergraduate bc365游戏 students who enroll in bc365游戏 courses during SUMMER 2020 and attend/participate 在这些课程中,直到各自的人口普查日期. (5 Class days after the Summer course begins)
    *研究生将不会获得CARES Grant奖励.

    How much will eligible students receive?
    bc365游戏 will prioritize students using a combination of information from FAFSA and the 学生在2020年夏季注册的学分数.
    ALL Summer CARES Funds will be distributed after the Summer II census date (July 9, 2020年),无论学生在哪个夏季学期入学.

    • The financial aid CARES Grant awards will be distributed by the bc365游戏 Financial Aid 并通过WeevilNet发布到学生的账户上.
    • CARES Grant awards will be processed by direct deposit or mailed to the student’s 根据您默认的收款方式,在WeevilNet中的地址.
    •资金将直接支付给学生,无论是否有欠款 the University.
    • Students enrolled in multiple SUMMER terms/sessions will receive a prorated amount of CARES funds proportionate to the hours they are enrolled and attending/participating 在通过人口普查,为本届任期/会议.

    我们强烈建议学生注册直接存款,以便尽快收到资金 as possible. 有关直接存款的资料,请浏览网页 Direct Deposit through Nelnet. 您也可以与澳大财务处联系,电话, or by phone at (870) 460-1043.

    For questions regarding CARES, please contact the Financial Aid Office by email at or by phone at 870.460.1050.

  8. As of July 29, 2020, the total amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants distributed 根据《bc365游戏》第18004(a)(1)条对学生的赔偿为1,611,657美元.

  9.  As of July 29, 2020, the estimated total number of bc365游戏 students eligible to participate 根据1965年《365asia亚洲官网》第四章第484节的规定 因此有资格获得紧急经济援助补助金 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act is 1,943.

  10. The total number of students who have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant to 根据《bc365游戏》第18004(a)(1)条规定的学生人数为1,943人.

  11. bc365游戏用于确定哪些学生获得紧急资助的方法 援助补助金,以及根据CARES第18004(a)(1)条,他们将获得多少 Act for Summer 2020 was identical to those used for Spring 2020 as listed in earlier reporting. 

    As of July 29, 2020, all of the funds received by bc365游戏 under Section 18004(a)(1) of 《bc365游戏》已经分发给学生.